
18 could now see Roshi´s island, she noticed the strange craft standing in the surf. Her eyes wandered over the island first noticing the mangled Android. When she touched down she saw Marron sitting near the front porch holding Roshi. "Marron!" she said while she ran towards her. "What happened, and who is he?"

"Later mama, first help me get Roshi inside" Marron said on a broken tone. 18 helped Marron carry Roshi inside the house. Marron looked over her shoulder to check if the unconscious young man was still breathing. The waving grass next to his mouth put her mind to ease. They lied him down on a sofa.

"Roshi!" 18 said. She slapped the old guy in the face, trying to wake him up. Then she bowed forward, and carefully examined the injuries he sustained during the struggle.

Roshi opened his eyes "Melons, those beautiful melons, how I've missed those melons" he moaned with a huge smile on his face. 18 shot up and barely held on to her cool, she was the object of Roshi´s desire ever since the marriage between her and Krillin. "Don't push your luck old man," she threatened lifting up her fist. Roshi got the message, sat up beside her, and grabbed his head "This is just like a hangover back in the good old days"


The ever growing intensity of the strange storm kept Goku on guard. He dodged the bolts of lightning whilst he looked around. The winds raged trough his hair, still keeping the same pointy shape. Saiyan hair never changes shape, not even under the most extreme circumstances. In the distance Goku saw a glimpse of what looked like a person flying amidst the clouds. "Must be my imagination," he said to himself. He did not feel any large Ki energy other than the faint ones that seeped through the clouds. He felt more and more uncomfortable until the skies cleared up. The dark feeling he felt flying through the storm had ended, and so, moments later, did the storm.

"Goku, I bet you felt the same thing I did" a dark Nameckian voice spoke to Goku from the distance. "And you've seen something two right?"

"Yes I did, I thought it was a figment of my imagination but if you saw it then it wasn't Piccolo" Goku replied turning towards the large Namek. "I did not feel a huge Ki level Piccolo… that can mean only one thing"

Piccolo´s eyes widened, "Androids, but that can't be, Gero is dead, the only androids on this earth are 17 and…"

"No," Goku intervened "This is no ordinary Android, I felt a strange surge, a strange human Ki. But yet not strong enough to sustain flight"

"And you are sure that Ki came from that andriod?" Piccolo asked. He knew that 17 and 18 where originally human beings, but most of the human parts where replaced with electronic ones. A long time ago he fought them, not feeling anything. Yet he knew their potential, seeing them knock out a super saiyan with minimum effort. Cell however was another story, he was biological. Could this new force be as big a threat as Cell was a decade ago? Or is this a friend? His body felt numb, remembering everything that happened back then in a split second.

"I am positive Piccolo"
