
Totally useless I thought… until I recently got pretty pissed off about something.

Smoking and Drawing, the same or not the same… that is the question.
I was drawing at work, I usually never use more than 20 minutes tops to finish
off the little doodles I do.Some other colleagues of mine use that time to smoke.
Then I got caught whilst drawing. And when I left a moment later retrieve a printout my chief took my drawingbook.
And then the discussion started.

My point:
- Drawing is an addiction, just like smoking, therefore I need time to draw

His Point:
- Drawing is not accepted as an addiction, and therefore does not grant you any time off.

Bull… I think I should have the time to draw, its only fair! It's not like smoking grants you time off
because you cant do it inside the building due to health regulations.
The smokers get an hour worth of free time, while non smokers get their regular 30minutes.
And both get an equal pay. Unfair! When I said to the guy if I could draw with a cigarette in the corner of my mouth he nodded.
"Sure, that you can do" he said.
Oh well, all is over and said. The chief guy isn't a bad guy, I like the dude, but this little thing just shouted for a RANT!

I don't draw at work anymore now, that is because I don't want any shit. But I am still mad about it…
Thank god Ill be in boot camp August 19th 2002… No more extra time off for anybody in my future MP squad! Bye Bye IT!

So If you ever get caught doing something else than working just say you are grabbing some time for yourself just like the smokers do.
It's only fair! Just make sure you believe in your statement, and your relationship with the boss is good enough so he won't fire you on the spot.
If you happen to reside in an area where smokers only get the half hour like the others do, and they have to prove it, you will not have the urge to
draw because of these reasons I just portrayed.

And if you DO want to get fired go draw an entire Dragonball Z Manga at work! ~_^

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