Name: Justice
Real Name: Cees
Surname: Yeah… When you know me good enough…
Date of birth: 12 July 1981
Height: 180cm (5' 11")
Build: add 75kg (about 170 pounds I guess), don't add to much fat, et voila!
Job: In training to become an MP
Drawing, Writing, Watching Movies,
Driving my 50cc Honda CD 4 stroke moped…
Lanning, Internet… Oh yeah… The occasional party… ~_^
Car: 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT
Cartoon: Eh… Dragonball Z?
Color: Black/Blue (red just read better XP )
Movie: The Star Wars Trilogy
Actor: Harrison Ford
Actress: Sandra Bullock
Young Actress: Lacey Chabert
Music: Nirvana, the Offspring, Nightwish… and sometimes I listen to some
lame ass music including "da beat"
Me in a DeLorean, to bad this one isn't mine... I have a silver Peugeot 405
Goofy smile, but it's me!
Uhm, taken really late, and it's a self portrait!
And this is how I used to look!
Some lame ass, and also edited picture 0_o;;;
Mnnn, this photo makes my hair look... reddish...
This is me driving on the Honda Day 2002, I am the one with the orange helmet!
---please take me---